The Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart

Traditional Religious Orders

Vigne, Italy

"To love Thee and make Thee loved!" Such is the motto of the humble congregation of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus founded in 1961 by Fr. Basilio Rosati, Passionist. This Congregation is inflamed with the ideal of consoling the Divine Heart of Jesus, so afflicted by the coldness, the outrages, and the betrayals of so many souls that are particularly dear to Him, souls which He redeemed by His most precious Blood.


Fr. Rosati, propelled by his zeal to make the world recognize and love Jesus Crucified, preached missions and Lenten conferences throughout Italy. This gave him the opportunity to meet several young women who desired to dedicate their lives to the Heart of Jesus agonizing. Thus, the first Community of five Sisters was born. Fr. Basilio entrusted their formation in the religious life to a soul of great virtue, his penitent and spiritual daughter, who from that day became their mother.

The founder's confreres placed at their disposition an unoccupied wing of their great convent of St. Eutizio, a little hamlet of the Soriano del Cimino commune, in the province of Viterbo, about 60 miles north of Rome. On December 2, 1961, the Most Reverend Roberto Massimiliani, Bishop of Civita Castellana, approved by decree the "pious union of the Consolers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus." Confiding its direction to the Reverend Fr. Basilio Rosati, Passionist, and the novitiate to the Reverend Mother Elisabetta Pezzarossa.

After the probationary period, which began in August, on the vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 7, 1961, the first group of young women received the religious habit from the hands of the bishop. After their novitiate was completed, the religious profession of the first Sisters took place. The familial little company spent its first few years in quiet recollection and spiritual growth. Their parish activities of teaching catechism and helping with functions made them much needed and beloved so that their numbers soon began to grow. A significant number or young ladies asked to join them. Thus, by 1975, their religious family numbered 30 members, and bishops having invited them to come to their dioceses, they were present in four dioceses of Italy.

The Conciliar Era

Such expansions should have brought forth many good fruits. Instead it was the prelude to bitter and painful disappointments for Fr. Rosati and the Sisters. The crisis in the Church and the pervading atmosphere of independence and novelty did not spare the Consoling Sisters Community, which with time decreased more and more. Some of the Sisters were gained over to the novelties, and even the admonitions of Fr. Rosati failed to touch them in order to keep them upon the way of fidelity to their vocation.

Only six Sisters heeded the warnings, corrections, and pleadings of Fr. Rosati, whose long, penitent hours before the Blessed Sacrament shared the agony of our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. (He had retired to the convent in Vigne, just north of Rome where lived the Sisters who remained faithful to their constitutions.)

A True Renewal

Along with this bitter-sweet consolation, one last trial came for Fr. Rosati: the grave illness which would lead him to the tomb. Aware that he would soon leave this earth, he wanted to fulfill the last task: to ensure the spiritual safety of the faithful Sisters' souls. On February 9, 1996, he entrusted the care of the congregation to Fr. Emmanuel du Chalard, SSPX, asking him in the name of God to guide them firmly in the way of perfection. Fr. du Chalard's acceptance was immediate and generous. Fr. Basilio Rosati, with supernatural serenity and thanksgiving for the welfare of the congregation, passed away on August 23, 1996. To this day the Sisters continue to benefit from the enlightened guidance of Fr. Emmanuel and the assistance of the bishops and priests of the Society of Saint Pius X.


The Constitutions of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart encapsulate the ideals and mission given them by their founder:


1) The sanctification of the members by penetrating the mystery of the love hidden in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, giving major development to the dispositions of adoration and reparation and by the personal engagement to live the great lessons given by the Divine Heart.

2) To make of each soul an adorer of the Sacred Heart living in the most Blessed Sacrament, and an intelligent and generous collaborator of the priesthood.

3) Prayer, action, and sacrifice to obtain from God many holy priestly vocations, and so far as possible and according to the needs, to help them financially.

4) To dedicate themselves to Christian formation, whatever it might be, particularly the formation of girls and young women.

5) Helping the apostolate of priests in its diverse aspects with a special zeal in the teaching of catechism and doctrinal training, even by the means of publishing.

6) Devoting themselves to missionary works when Divine Providence gives them the opportunity.

Some of their special works include:


l Propagation of devotion to the Sacred Heart, especially by spreading the devotion of the first Fridays.

l Propagation of the recitation of the Little Office of the Sacred Heart: The Sisters themselves recite it, and they teach others to recite it, too. A group of about 100 people recite it daily.

l Propagation of the practice of the Guard of Honor, a devotion in which the participants pledge to spend a particular hour of the week in closer union with Jesus and Mary, in reparation for the sins committed against them. No special prayers or practices are involved: it suffices to remain close to God and to offer all one's actions for this intention. Thus each hour of the day has its "guards," keeping company with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and "defending" them against the insults and negligences of men.

l Organizing camps for girls from 14-18 years old.

l Assistance with Christian holidays for families.


At present, eight of the Sisters are at the motherhouse in Vigne, where they are responsible for the personal care of nine elderly ladies. Although the locals who are traditional Catholics can barely be counted on one hand, many people have recognized the quality of the care which the Sisters provide and wish to take advantage of it for their own beloved elderly. So far over 80 ladies have ended their days in the serene and peaceful surroundings of the convent.

An International Apostolate

Recently, events took an extraordinary turn for the Consoling Sisters. Having put down deep roots in Italy, the Sisters have recently accepted an accompanying apostolate from India: the orphanage and old folks' home founded by Swarna Vongala in 2001. [A more detailed report from the SSPX's Indian mission appeared in the March 2007 issue of The Angelus, pp.16-20.–Ed.] Miss Vongala began her work after completing studies in computer engineering in, of all places, Iowa, USA. Turning her back on a successful career, she returned home to devote herself to her neighbor in the service of God. Calling her organization the "Servi Domini," she rescued 50 orphans from the street, as well as some old, abandoned ladies, and began the Nav Jeevan Orphanage. Learning of Catholic Tradition and meeting the Society's priests in India led her to relocate her orphanage close to the SSPX mission in Tamil Nadu.

Her devotion flowered into a religious vocation, not only for herself but also for several young ladies assisting her in the work. In the early summer of 2005, the foundress of the Nav Jeevan Orphanage and her assistant spent several weeks in Italy visiting the motherhouse at Vigne. After they had visited there, both agreed that they would like to join this order of Sisters. It certainly seemed that the work of the orphanage in India would dovetail with the life and work of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart, so in August 2006, three Sisters from the order traveled to south India along with their chaplain, Fr. du Chalard. While Fr. du Chalard could stay only two weeks, the three Sisters spent a full two months living at the orphanage in order to get a grasp on the situation. They helped the ladies to set up a daily schedule of prayer, work, and recreation modeled on the life led by the Consoling Sisters.

The outcome of their long visit was that Miss Vongala traveled to Italy for her novitiate, receiving the habit on the Feast of the Visitation, 2007; and that the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart will set up a house in south India. Many other Indian young ladies are interested in embracing this vocation.

Daily Life

The Consoling Sisters' daily life is varied and full: psalmody, meditation, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the traditional Mass. All the religious duties harmoniously blend with the diverse activities of the house. The most Blessed Virgin Mary is the great ideal whom each of the Sisters strives to imitate in her intention to console the Divine Spouse.

A lively participation in the development of the Mystical Body and the conscious and loving adherence to the maternal solicitude of the Church for the development of Christian truth in the world and for a genuine witness given to Jesus Christ from the soul of all of their activity.

Besides their daily prayers and devotions, there is adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Sundays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30pm, nocturnal adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00pm to 6:30am the night of the Thursday before the first Friday of the month, a sung Mass every Sunday and for solemn feasts, a monthly day of recollection, and an annual retreat.

Becoming a Consoling Sister

The Congregation comprises Sisters and Auxiliaries. The latter live the same ideal of the Sisters at home and in the work place, and they are helpers for the apostolate's activities. The Consoling Sisters have the usual requirements for candidates to the religious life, but for them weak health is not necessarily an impediment.

The postulancy starts each year on August 15th or September 8th for six months. The novitiate, in keeping with canon law, lasts at least a whole year, but it can be prolonged depending upon the case. At the conclusion of the novitiate year, the Sister makes the traditional vows, which are renewed annually for four years, and once for three years. Finally, after ten years from the first profession and having reached the age of 40 years old, the Sister may pronounce her holy perpetual vows according to her desire and with the authorization of the General Mother Superior.

There are presently eight professed Sisters, one novice, two postulants and three pre-postulants (in India). Of these, seven are Italian Sisters, one French, and one Mexican. They can speak and understand Italian, French, English, Spanish, and German.

The Sacred Heart's "Bethany"

The Sisters' great desire is that their houses be so many "Bethanies" where Jesus Christ, rejected by so many souls, families, and societies, will find generous hearts who will welcome Him and console Him, as when He would stop at the dear and hospitable home of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. It is the devout wish of the Sisters that their little band become a numerous legion so that such a noble and holy program can be brought about.


For information:

Reverend Mother Superior

Suore Consolatrici del Sacro Cuore di Gesu

Via Flaminia Vecchia 20, 05030 Vigne (TR), Italy.

Tel. [39] (744) 79.61.71 Fax [39] (744) 79.70.07

Daily Schedule

6:00 AM Rise

6:45 AM Prayers, Divine Office (Prime for work days,
and Lauds for holydays), Meditation

7:45 AM Holy Mass

8:30 AM Breakfast (with a little spiritual reading)

8:45 AM Work

12:30 PM Sext

12:45 PM Lunch (with 15 minutes of spiritual reading)

1:45 PM Clean up

2:00 PM Recreation

3:00 PM Free time/repose

4:30 PM Vespers, Meditation, Rosary

5:45 PM Work

7:30 PM Dining (with 15 minutes of spiritual reading)

8:30 PM Recreation

9:00 PM Compline

9:45 PM Retire

Little Office of the Sacred Heart

A means to practice perfectly the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to be penetrated with the spirit of this devotion, is certainly to use the different Offices of the Sacred Heart. Every month, in a group or as a family, lots are drawn to choose one of the nine Offices. Each Office is done in union with one of the nine Choirs of Angels.

This pious practice was begun by St. Margaret Mary. Many words of this Saint seem to indicate that Our Lord, Himself, was the principal Author of this practice. She wrote to a Religious on June 8, 1686, that the Sacred Heart had given her, HER OFFICE, making her His MEDIATOR (Office of Mediation) "to ask the Eternal Father to make known His Sacred Heart." "...Moreover, Our Lord wants a REPAIRER who will very humbly ask pardon of God for all the injuries which are committed against Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament..." (Second Office). It is very easy to find the other Offices pointed out in the writings of the saint.

Since the time of St. Margaret Mary, this Practice has been propagated in numerous Religious Congregations and among many pious persons living in the world.–Christian Warfare

The First of the Nine Offices of the Sacred Heart

From 12PM to 3PM, Thrones

The Promoter (Mediator)

May Jesus live in all hearts!


Special Goal: Promote devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and strive to become, in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a promoter between God and men, in view of establishing the Universal Reign of the Heart of Christ the King.

Special Promise: Made, as we may piously believe, to St. Marga­ret Mary for those who would accomplish this office: that Jesus would be Himself their Mediator (in a very special way) with the Eternal Father.

Special Virtue: To pray and sacrifice oneself in order to implore heavenly graces that would make the Sacred Heart reign in Society and to strive to win men to the love and imitation of the Sacred Heart. Maxim: If it is a grave sin to lead others into sin, there is great merit in devoting oneself to draw them to good.

Note. Recall to yourself the present state of society.



1) (First Friday of the Month) Offering of the practice of the office during the entire month: (As a daily Morning Offering change the word "month" to "day.")

O Lord Jesus Christ, I offer to Thy Divine Heart, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and in association with the Choir of Thrones, all my prayers, actions and sufferings of this month, in union with the intentions for which Thou dost never cease to immolate Thyself upon the Altar. I offer them especially beseeching the Heavenly Father that He enlighten poor men in order that they finally come to know the aspirations, ideals, affection, kindnesses and all of the excellent and eminent virtues of Thy Heart, so as to lead each one to take them as a rule of conduct towards each other and in all social, political and religious undertakings. In this way, Thy Kingdom will come and will be fully established on earth.

I offer them that the Holy Ghost enflame all men with the love of Thy Divine Heart and the desire to see the world enflamed with the fire that Thou camest to send.

I offer them, at last, so that the most Blessed Virgin interpose her powerful mediation, so that the entire world, especially those who confide in Thy Goodness, experience the powerful and salutary effects of the Kingdom of Thy "Heart of Infinite Majesty." Amen.


2) (Every day) Adoration in spirit (from 12pm-3pm). At 12pm, transporting yourself in spirit before the Tabernacle, say:

O Jesus, King of Heart Divine, in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Choir of the Thrones, to supply for my insufficiency, I adore Thee in spirit during the entire day and especially for these three hours, Thou who art present in the Blessed Sacrament where truly thou remainest for love of me, and I take refuge with deep affection in the depths of Thy most Sacred Heart.

May all men, learning of its unfathomable riches, and throwing off worldly satisfactions and pleasures, come to taste the ineffable goodness that Thou reservest in this Heart for those who love Thee.


Ejaculatory Prayers: May Jesus live in all hearts! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come!


3) Visit to the Blessed Sacrament. After a profound act of Faith and of fervent adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, striving to unite yourself with the sentiments of Mediator which beat in His Heart, say:

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I suppliantly beseech Thee, uniting myself to the Immaculate Heart of the Most Blessed Virgin and to the celestial spirits of the Choir of Thrones, that by the infinite merits of Thy Heart, Thou deignest to reign as Supreme Master in our Institution and in the hearts of all her children, in all other Religious Institutions, in the Hierarchical Holy Church, in the whole of Society, especially in so many millions of souls who have cost Thee Thy Blood, but do not adore Thee, because they do not know Thee. I beseech Thee also to grant to us the grace to accomplish faithfully the adoration in spirit and the virtue of this Office. (Recall it to your mind).


4) Practice of the Special Virtue:

Perform a few actions such as those which follow at least five times a day, recalling for example the Wounds of Jesus Crucified:

a) Try to reproduce in yourself the aspirations and virtues of your King.

b) Profit from occasions to promote devotion to the Heart of Jesus.

c) Repeat the prayer or the ejaculatory prayer of the office or say simply: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I desire ardently that all men know Thee and adore Thee more and more.

d) Offer in spirit the Masses which are celebrated in the world so that the Truth, the Justice and the Mercy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus reign on earth.

e) Recite the prayer for the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.