Issue: March 2025
Letter from the District Superior
Fr. John Fullerton District Superior, USA Dear Reader, St. Paul tells us: “there must be also heresies: that they also, who are approved, may be made manifest among you” (I...
Trent and Beyond
The Need for Reform and the Role of the Church Hierarchy By Dr. Louis Shwartz Effective reform of the Church, especially at the highest levels, has long been a desire of devout...
The Bloody Poetics of Richard Crashaw
By Jonathan Wanner If a poetic corpus could shed blood, Richard Crashaw’s would. A seventeenth-century English cleric and Catholic convert, his love-out-of-the-veins fervor would...
The Counter-Reformation and the Eternal City
In terms of art and architecture, the Baroque reigns supreme in the Eternal City. Although this style is relatively recent, only dating back to the late 16th century, it exercised a striking influence on the city where it originated. Anyone who has been to Rome can testify to how utterly packed with churches the city is. Of these many churches, the vast majority are in the Baroque style. Even of those which predate the style, many have been given thorough Baroque updates.…
Economic Thought Deriving from the Protestant Revolution and the Catholic Reformation
By Gaetano Masciullo The comparison between the economic views developed by leading Protestant theologians, such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, and various Catholic theologians of the...
The Impact of Il Gesù
Theatricality and Catholic Theology: The Impact of Il Gesù By Andrew Latham The Protestant Reformation was not just a theological dispute—it was an upheaval that led...
Post-Tridentine Scripture Scholarship
In the popular imagination of the English-speaking world, the Protestant Reformation was a much-needed return to Bible-based Christianity. The Reformers dismissed the subtleties of Scholastic theology as useless disputes about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The image of a Bible chained to a podium in a Gothic cathedral was held up as an emblem of the Catholic Church’s attempt to imprison the written word of the Lord.…
Clarifying the Concept of “Reform”
By John A. Monaco Introduction Few words in the Catholic lexicon carry as much ideological weight as that of the word “reform.” Indeed, the word “reform” has...
The Roman Catechism and the Challenges of Catholic Formation
By Dr. Robert Lazu Kmita For someone like me, who lived in a communist country, the absence of Christian education is not surprising at all. Where the Marxist-Leninist ideology of the...
Vatican II Should Have Been Like Trent
By Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre Excerpt from I Accuse the Council, 2nd ed. , Angelus Press, 1998. Vatican II: The First Session Second Intervention (November 27, 1962) On the...
The Icon and the Panopticon: Pascal and Descartes
By Joseph Ahmad If modernity began with the Reformation, the first World War signaled the beginning of the end. Not only did the Great War see the death of around ten million soldiers, but...
The Orations for Counter-Reformation Saints in the Traditional Roman Rite and the Novus Ordo
The Orations for Counter-Reformation Saints in the Traditional Roman Rite and the Novus Ordo By Matthew Hazell Although historians disagree about when the Counter-Reformation began, or...
The Kingdom’s Treasures
By Pater Scriptor Proclaiming His Kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount, Our Lord laid out that anyone who chooses to follow Him must live a Christlike life according to the standard of God...
Our Lives in Tradition
During those years we wandered, never leaving the Church, but weaving our way in and out of banal and sometimes truly blasphemous liturgical rites and a lack of catechesis during the last years of our Catholic educations. We received no instruction before our marriage and saw family and friends leave the Church…After a decade in this limbo, we arrived at a crisis that required a decision that had to be made to defend our beliefs and find answers to solve the quandary that we found ourselves in.
Questions and Answers
By Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX Was the Council of Trent infallible? Bishops assembled to meet for an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church are infallible when they define matters of...
The Last Word
Fr. Yves le Roux District Superior of Canada Opposition? Quite the opposite! “I am the hatred of all religious and social order that has not been established by man and in...