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The Counter-Reformation and the Eternal City

In terms of art and architecture, the Baroque reigns supreme in the Eternal City. Although this style is relatively recent, only dating back to the late 16th century, it exercised a striking influence on the city where it originated. Anyone who has been to Rome can testify to how utterly packed with churches the city is. Of these many churches, the vast majority are in the Baroque style. Even of those which predate the style, many have been given thorough Baroque updates.…

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Post-Tridentine Scripture Scholarship

In the popular imagination of the English-speaking world, the Protestant Reformation was a much-needed return to Bible-based Christianity. The Reformers dismissed the subtleties of Scholastic theology as useless disputes about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The image of a Bible chained to a podium in a Gothic cathedral was held up as an emblem of the Catholic Church’s attempt to imprison the written word of the Lord.…

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Our Lives in Tradition

During those years we wandered, never leaving the Church, but weaving our way in and out of banal and sometimes truly blasphemous liturgical rites and a lack of catechesis during the last years of our Catholic educations. We received no instruction before our marriage and saw family and friends leave the Church…After a decade in this limbo, we arrived at a crisis that required a decision that had to be made to defend our beliefs and find answers to solve the quandary that we found ourselves in. 

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