Issue: September 2015

Letter from the Publisher

“The world we live in is the best one to run away from!” This quip would have sounded like a witticism decades ago but, today, it has taken a serious tone. 

In, Not of, the World

The monk, like all truly Christian men, is a walking paradox: one who renounces his will to gain freedom, one who leaves the world to save those in it, one who is an ascetic because he is a lover. The hard road of monasticism is the easy road to paradise.

A Non- Convent- ional Tour

The history, life, and mission of six traditional religious orders. 

The Discernment of Vocations

Interview with Fr. Mark Stafki, SSPX, and Mother Mary Joseph, Mother Superior of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King. 

Aggiornamento Comes to The Jesuits

The effects of Vatican II on the Jesuit order 

The Best Part

The importance of the interior life. 

The Ceremonies of Religious Profession

A brief glimpse at some profession ceremonies used in Tradition

The Angelic Virtue

Extracts from Sacra Virginitas [on sacred virginity] of Pope Pius XII 

Teresa the Great

The life of St. Teresa of Aviila; saint, mystic and reformer of the Carmelite Order. 

The Little Flower

In St. Therese we find a simple soul, devoid of any artificiality and completely focused on God. In short, we find in her true peace . . . 

Book Review: The Inside Story of Vatican II

The Inside Story of Vatican II [better know as The Rhine Flows into the Tiber]

Insights on The Angelus

Interview with Fr. Kenneth Novak, SSPX, Editor Emeritus 

Chant: Song of the Sacrifice

Sacrifice gives to chant its reason for existence, and not only because it stirs up our devotion and moves us to offer.

Education of the Will

The education of the will consists in cultivating in the child the love and pursuit of the good despite the obstacles. To do this, we must strive to teach the love of what is good, to provide worthy models, and to stimulate daily the training of the will by means of the most ordinary actions. 

Kenyan Safari

Interview with Fr. Mark Stafki, SSPX


  • Is Catholic Trivia faithful to Catholic teaching?
  • How do we explain the anger which Jesus displayed in the Temple?
  • What is the gravity of the sin of anger?

Church and World

  • “We are at the end. Europe is dying!”
  • The Illogic of the Worldly Mind
  • Legalized Euthanasia in Belgium
  • Frightening Days for Ireland and the United States
  • Instrumentum Laboris for 2015 Synod Published!

The Priest, An Apostle Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The priesthood and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Last Word

“Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.”