Issue: July 2016
Letter from the Publisher
“Blessed be the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Interview with Traditional Catholic Businessmen
The Angelus recently asked a handful of traditional Catholic businessmen some questions related to the Faith and their daily work.
Spiritual Poverty
The proper scriptural meaning of the Beatitudes.
Christ the King of the Economy
Christ the King of the Economy: Refuting the Errors of Economic Liberalism.
Mamon Said . . .
It isn’t easy for a Christian to remain free from the influence of money.
Pentecost and the Sundays of the Year
An examination of the history and liturgy of Pentecost.
Papal Teachings
Motu Proprio, Fin Dalla Prima Nostra, concerning popular Catholic action, by Pope St. Pius X
Pope Sarto's Eminence Grise
Life of the saintly Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, secretary of state of Pope St. Pius X.
The Archbishop and Money
The son of the boss of a midsized business in northern France, inherits the qualities of initiative and organization from his ancestors.
Father of the Poor
“O come Father of the poor, O come giver of gifts, O come light of hearts.”
Music and Catharsis
We can . . . develop our ability to undergo and endure catharsis, the release of human tensions and perplexities, . . . through our habitual exposure to great art, simply because we ultimately benefit from it.
Rediscovering the Obvious -- Having Christ as King Requires A Catholic Social Doctrine
History of and implementation of Catholic Social Doctrine.
The Spiritual Testament of John Shakespeare
The spiritual testament, or will, of John Shakespeare, father of William Shakespeare.
Character Formation
What is necessary to form the character of a child?
Fr. Franz Schmidberger answers questions about the Church's social doctrine.
News from Tradition
- The death of Mother Angelica
- New Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
- Cardinal Kasper gives another Interview
- Euthanasia Deaths are on the Rise
- Preacher of the Papal Household praises Martin Luther
Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia
Comments on the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia
The Synod
The Synod on the Family.
Letters to the Editor
Attending an Episcopalian funeral.
The Last Word
Using the goods of this world.